Full Streaming Scandal in High Definition Format. Play Streaming Scandal in HD Format. Watch Full Movie Scandal in Best Quality. Watch Streaming Scandal in HD Video. Download Movie Scandal in High Quality.
You can observe total description of Scandal below:
- Original Title : Scandal
- Movie title in your country : Scandal
- Year of movie : 1989
- Genres of movie : Drama, History, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1989-03-03
- Companies of movie : Miramax Films, Palace Pictures, British Screen Productions,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 115 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : 7MRsq_iApng
- Translation of movie : IT,EN,DE,ES,HU,
- Cast of movie :Malcolm Terris (Northern Gent), Johnny Shannon (Peter Rachman), Joanna Dunham (Lady Bronwen Astor), Terence Rigby (James Burge), Ian McKellen (John Profumo), Britt Ekland (Mariella Novotny), Roland Gift (Johnnie Edgecombe), Susannah Doyle (Jackie), Alex Norton (Detective Inspector), Reporter Sunday Pictorial), Ralph Brown (Paul Mann), John Hurt (Stephen Ward), Paul Brooke (Detective Sergeant, Trevor Eve (Matinee Idol), Leon Herbert (Lucky Gordon), Leslie Phillips (Lord Astor), Deborah Grant (Valerie (Hobson) Profumo), Jean Alexander (Mrs Keeler), Joanne Whalley (Christine Keeler), Ken Campbell (Sunday Pictorial Editor), Daniel Massey (Mervyn Griffith-Jones), Jeff Nuttall (Percy Murray), Paul), John), MI5), Oliver Ford Davies (Mr Woods, Bridget Fonda (Mandy Rice-Davies), James Villiers (Tory MP), Jeroen Krabbé (Eugene Ivanov), Paul Brooke (Detective Sergeant, Keith Allen (Kevin, Ronald Fraser (Justice Marshall), Iain Cuthbertson (Lord Hailsham)
Scandal is a better movie produced by Miramax Films, Palace Pictures, British Screen Productions, along with a description of the movie is "An English bon-vivant osteopath is enchanted with a young exotic dancer and invites her to live with him. He serves as friend and mentor, and through his contacts and parties she and her friend meet and date members of the Conservative Party. Eventually a scandal occurs when her affair with the Minister of War goes public, threatening their lifestyles and their freedom.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and greatest starring actors.
You are at the moment watching : Scandal from Miramax Films, Palace Pictures, British Screen Productions, in Top Video Format knowing that are required released as a part of your Country. Have your favorites instantly movie, vast choice push of a power switch! Together with an unrestricted capacity of bandwidth and content to stream, watch what you want, if you want!
Executive Producer : Joe Boyd, Cinematography : Mike Molloy, Writer : Michael Thomas, Music : Carl Davis, Executive Producer : Harvey Weinstein, Production Design : Simon Holland, Executive Producer : Nik Powell, Editor : Angus Newton, Costume Design : Jane Robinson, Director : Michael Caton-Jones, Art Direction : Chris Townsend, Casting : Susie Figgis, Executive Producer : Bob Weinstein, Producer : Redmond Morris, Producer : Stephen Woolley
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Tags: london england, sex scandal, scandal, based on true story, cabaret dancer, member of parliament, 1960s,
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