Download Movie The Libertine in HD Video. Play Streaming The Libertine in High Quality. Full Movie Streaming The Libertine in High Quality Video. Watch Full Movie The Libertine in Best Look Video Format. Watch Streaming The Libertine in Top Video Format.
You will find total description of The Libertine below:
- Original Title : Le libertin
- Movie title in your country : The Libertine
- Year of movie : 2000
- Genres of movie : History, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2000-03-15
- Companies of movie : TF1 Films Productions, Bel Ombre Films, Josy Films, Mosca Films, Sans Contrefaçon Productions,
- Countries of movie : France,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, Français,
- Durationof movie : 100 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : jF4Ud09BF14
- Translation of movie : DE,EN,FR,ZH,ES,HU,
- Actors of movie :Micheline Massin (une servante turque), Françoise Lépine (Madame Diderot), Gaëlle Vincent (une servante turque), Vincent Pérez (Denis Diderot), Jean Pommier (le serviteur), Michel Serrault (Le Cardinal), Arielle Dombasle (Madame de Jerfeuil), François Lalande (Baron d'Holbach), Christian Charmetant (Chevalier de Jerfeuil), Fanny Ardant (Madame Therbouche), Audrey Tautou (Julie d'Holbach), Eric Savin (Chef de la police), Thierry Nzeutem (Mohamed), Eric Barthes (le conseiller de Mme Therbouche), Vahina Giocante (Angélique Diderot), Véronique Vella (La Cousine de Jerfeuil), Bruno Todeschini (Marquis de Cambrol), Josiane Balasko (Baronne d'Holbach), Yan Duffas (Abraham), Kevin Felix-Lassa (le fils de Jerfeuil), Arnaud Lemaire (Marquis de Lutz)
The Libertine is one movie provided by TF1 Films Productions, Bel Ombre Films, Josy Films, Mosca Films, Sans Contrefaçon Productions, possessing description of the movie is "French philosopher Denis Diderot produces the first encyclopedia while indulging in 18th-century decadence.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.
While i first learn about this movie I'm not entirely sure in the event i have passion for the idea or not. After watching it I can use to speak in which i really appreciate. I highly recommend this movie for the people who h genre History, Comedy, . Are able to watch it for nothing by merely clicking a button and register, are able watch many and many latest movie titles for free of charge.
Dialogue : Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Writer : Gabriel Aghion, Screenplay : Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Director : Gabriel Aghion
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Tags: sex, nudity, artist, french, estate, philosopher, aristocratic, libertarian,
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