Watch Streaming Maleficarum in HD Video. Download Movie Maleficarum in Best Look Video Format. Full Movie Streaming Maleficarum in HD Quality. Play Streaming Maleficarum in Top Quality. Watch Full Movie Maleficarum in Top Video Format.
You will realise total description of Maleficarum below:
- Original Title : Maleficarum
- Movie title in your country : Maleficarum
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Drama, History, Horror,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-10-30
- Companies of movie : Pachamama Films,
- Countries of movie : Bolivia,
- Language of movie : Español,
- Durationof movie : 102 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : DE,EN,ES,
- Cast of movie :Amy Hesketh (Mariana De Castro), Alejandro Loayza (Capellan Rodrigo de Palomares), Barbara Dorado (Maria de las Nieves), Omar Aldayuz (Fiscal), Roberto Lopez (Fr. Francisco Verdugo), Maria Esther Arteaga (Josefa), Vanessa Calvimontes (Isabel Petrona), Eric Calancha (Torturer), Gina Alcon (Mayor de Luna), Mila Joya (Francisca de la Cruz), Erix Antoine (Su Excelencia)
Maleficarum is the most effective movie manufacured by Pachamama Films, with a description of the movie is "Maria Francisca, a wealthy young heiress and her friend Mariana De Castro, a young protestant widow, are accused of witchcraft and taken before the Inquisition of Lima, Peru . Maleficarum is the story of Francisca, a wealthy orphan and Mariana, her widowed protestant friend, who live surrounded by a town in which they are the center of hostile gossip. Francisco Verdugo, the Inquisitor, has his own ambitions. He has his greedy eyes on the orphan heiress's properties, but he needs a pretext. A confrontation in the street among a group of girls gives him the perfect excuse to arrest Mariana and Francisca and enchain them in the horror chambers of the Inquisition, leading them to a frightful end as they are convicted of witchcraft.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and finest starring actors.
Once i first found out about this movie I'm not entirely sure if I h idea or not. After watching it This can be used to speak which really appreciate. I highly recommend this movie for those who that the genre Drama, History, Horror, . You're be able to watch it for free just clicking submit and register, you're be able to watch numerous latest movie titles free of charge.
Writer : Jac Avila, Co-Producer : Amy Hesketh, Director : Jac Avila, Cinematography : Miguel Inti Canedo, Producer : Jac Avila
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Tags: witchcraft,
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