Download Movie Lancelot of the Lake in HD Format. Play Streaming Lancelot of the Lake in Best Video Format. Download Full Lancelot of the Lake in Best Quality. Watch Streaming Lancelot of the Lake in High Definition Quality. Full Movie Streaming Lancelot of the Lake in High Quality Video.
You will an extensive description of Lancelot of the Lake below:
- Original Title : Lancelot du Lac
- Movie title in your country : Lancelot of the Lake
- Year of movie : 1974
- Genres of movie : Drama, Romance, War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1974-09-26
- Companies of movie : Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (ORTF), Mara Films, Gerico Sound,
- Countries of movie : Italy, France,
- Language of movie : Français,
- Durationof movie : 85 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.5
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : FR,IT,EN,DE,ES,PT,HU,
- Actors of movie :Laura Duke Condominas (La Reine (The Queen)), Arthur De Montalembert (Lionel), Humbert Balsan (Gauvain), Vladimir Antolek-Oresek (Le Roi (The King)), Luc Simon (Lancelot du Lac), Patrick Bernhard (Mordred)
Lancelot of the Lake is a good movie produced by Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (ORTF), Mara Films, Gerico Sound, featuring a description of the movie is "Having failed in their quest for the Holy Grail, the knights of the Round Table return to Camelot, their number reduced to a mere handful. Seeing a rift developing between Lancelot and Mordred, Arthur urges his knights to bury their differences and become friends. However, the king is unaware that Lancelot is having an affair with his queen, Guinevere. Lancelot is torn between his duty to his king and his love for the queen, whilst Mordred is determined to use his infidelity to destroy him.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and greatest starring actors.
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Director : Robert Bresson, Writer : Robert Bresson
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Tags: knights of the round table,
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