Play Movie Elvira Madigan in HD Video. Online Streaming Elvira Madigan in High Definition Format. Play Streaming Elvira Madigan in HD Quality. Watch Full Movie Elvira Madigan in Best Look Video Format. Watch Streaming Elvira Madigan in High Definition Quality.
You can see now a full description of Elvira Madigan below:
- Original Title : Elvira Madigan
- Movie title in your country : Elvira Madigan
- Year of movie : 1967
- Genres of movie : Drama, Romance, History,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1967-04-24
- Companies of movie : Europa Film,
- Countries of movie : Sweden,
- Language of movie : Dansk, svenska,
- Durationof movie : 91 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : gxmwG-1j6DY
- Translation of movie : ES,DE,FR,IT,EN,SV,PT,
- Actors of movie :Pia Degermark (Hedvig Jensen), Cleo Jensen (Cleo), Thommy Berggren (Sixten Sparre), Lennart Malmer (Kristoffer)
Elvira Madigan is the foremost movie provided by Europa Film, which has a description of the movie is "Hedvig Jensen is a famous ropewalker and is known to her public as Elvira Madigan. She meets Lieutenant Sixten Sparre, a Swedish officer who is married and has two children. They both decide to run away, but since Sixten deserted the army, he cannot find any job and the couple encounters many hardships. Moreover, while on the run, Sixten meets a friend who tries to convince him to come back to his country and family.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best ear busting sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Original Music Composer : Ulf Björlin, Producer : Waldemar Bergendahl, Editor : Bo Widerberg, Director of Photography : Jörgen Persson, Director : Bo Widerberg, Writer : Bo Widerberg
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Tags: suicide, runaway, officer, lieutenant, awol,
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